Best Speakers for a small Nearfield room, budget at most $10000 (used is also ok)

Hi guys, I am a newbie here and am searching the best speakers in a small room (my room is about 13’ x 10’).
Consider a pair of bookshelf or small floor standing (like Magico S1 mk1?). Those speakers will be placed near the corner of the room, may be I will prefer a sealed case.

I listen to female vocals, jazz and light original sound tracks at a relatively low volume. Since I am transferred from a headphone system, what I really care is the musically and smoothness of the system. Any suggestions?

BTW, I am in USA now. What kind of brands that could be easily found in Usa?

Now I am looking at Magico a3 (There are multiple driver for a3, I am afraid it is an overkill for my room), Magico a1(seems good), Raidho xt1, xt2, used c1.1 ?
i second the PSB Imagine B.  I bought a pair used about 4 years ago and used them in a room about your size.  Their range is great and your only problem would be if you don’t have adequate sound absorption in the room the bass can become a bit boomy.  That’s easily solved by the addition of the bass port plugs in back. Prices on these seem to have risen slightly but a used pair is still under $700 on EBay, not that I’m recommending you buy them there.
+1 to a sealed box like ATC, though you’ll still have a considerable amount of boundary reinforcement. Audiovector speakers work very well close to the rear wall, their recommended distance for the R1 is as little as 15cm even with the rear port. I suspect in your room it will give you a really strong bass response with speed and slam. The only caveat is they are not the most engaging speakers at low volumes due to being quite neutral/slightly lean in the lower midrange and presence region which means they are best closer to realistic volume levels (they can play crazy loud without compressing), however the R series seems better than the SR I had in this regard and I believe this will be even more of a problem with Magico. For lower level acoustic listening I suggest comparing the “neutral-ish” speakers like Magico, Audiovector, and ATC to the warmer ones like Spendor, Sonus Faber, Devore, Vandersteen and seeing which style clicks for you. The good thing is in your smaller room there’s less risk of the neutral-ish speakers sounding lean.
One thing that is kind of neat about Audiovector is when you place them close to the wall, instead of collapsing the soundstage depth at the wall they instead throw the soundstage in front of the speakers. It’s not as “holographic” as a typical mini monitor and some might find it a bit forward, but it’s very engaging and kind of lets you walk around inside the stage rather than being relegated to watching a cardboard image plastered to the wall.
+1 for the Spendor/Chord combo mentioned above. I was using the Spendor D7 + Chord 2650 and now have the Spendor D9 + Chord 3350. Very neutral, not fatiguing, amazing soundstage, and not fussy about positioning.
I have been extremely pleased with my purchase of the Wilson Benesch Vertex Loudspeakers
Worth a look and they fit your budget.  I recently added a single subwoofer....truly giant killers in a small space!  Good luck.