Which Is Better: Esoteric DV50s or Levinson 390s?

In terms of CD Playback ONLY, which would be the better CD player: Esoteric DV50s or Mark Levinson 390s? Of course, please factor in the universal play capability of the DV50s with your comments. Thank you.
Ag insider logo xs@2x3zub
Have not heard the others but I own the 390S. Great machine in an understated sort of way. Superb timing and smooth midrange with awesome 3D depth when partnered with a good preamp.

Great to look at and better built than a Volvo.
I've listened to both at length and when it comes to redbook playback the 390 is much better.
Thank you for your responses gentlemen.
I couldn't find any threads for a direct comparison, but only on the individual machines. I now own a Levinson No.39 player. Very nice, detailed and smooth. I am pleased with the player, but was hoping to kill 2 birds with one stone, i.e. the DV50s allegedly has incredible CD playback plus the DVD video feature. Not sure where the DVD-A and SACD formats are going, and don't really care. I stopped buying multi-channel audio disks last year.
Condider the $8,200 Esoteric UX-3 Universal player if you want to kill two birds with one stone. It's like getting the sound quality of the $6,700 Levinson 390S CD player AND the video quality of one of the best DVD players for $1,500 more. The disc drive mechanism in the UX-3 is built like a tank compared to the DV-50S and 390S.