MM Cartridge

I have a new VPI Prime Scout table with the JMW 9 tonearm
I'm using. Sumiko Pearl cartridge and sounds amazing.
I want to upgrade to the  best MM. My preamp has a 3.1 mv, so I would like your opinion.
Audio Technica VM760SLC or Ortofon 2M Black, or other high output cartridge. I do not want a MC, want user replaceable stylus?
If you can still find one, the JICO stylus will make a shocking difference to your Pearl, and may be enough to keep you happy
Post the mass of your tonearm first, because recommendations here are blind, some cartridges are not compatible with your tonearm (if a compliance is too high or too low). 
With that effective mass you can get away with a myriad of medium to high compliance cartridges. Perhaps you could even lower the effective mass further by adopting a very lightweight head shell, if your tone arm has interchangeable head shells. In any case, be prepared for an avalanche of suggestions, all different, all adamant.