@twoleftears i am thinking an integrated. It is the Z40. Budget is a concern, bought too many gears within this year already.
@elevick yes, I considered hybrid and seriously look into McIntosh MA252. I always want a piece of McIntosh, but have been using efficient speakers. Initially, I think this is my chance to buy a McIntosh with 40.1. But after doing some research, I am not sure. MCs are expensive, and it seems a big part goes to the brand. The MA252 is more affordable, but then some comments says it clips (with the light turns from green to orange) easily even at normal volume. I don’t think volume is a concern for me, but it seems the quality of the product is not as good as their more expensive amps. It seems for the money, I can get more from other brands.
@elevick yes, I considered hybrid and seriously look into McIntosh MA252. I always want a piece of McIntosh, but have been using efficient speakers. Initially, I think this is my chance to buy a McIntosh with 40.1. But after doing some research, I am not sure. MCs are expensive, and it seems a big part goes to the brand. The MA252 is more affordable, but then some comments says it clips (with the light turns from green to orange) easily even at normal volume. I don’t think volume is a concern for me, but it seems the quality of the product is not as good as their more expensive amps. It seems for the money, I can get more from other brands.