Objective Studies?

There seem to be endless debates across the internet whether a "power conditioner" (I always conjure a soapy head image when I say that) is a genuine need or just so much snake oil for the gullible in the audiophile community.  There appears to be at least some consistency that concerns about power conditioners should be near the bottom of the audiophile's to-do list.  Yet there are some who claim, vociferously, that power conditions make a huge difference in sound quality.  And so the debate rages on....

What would seem to be helpful is an objective/scientific study regarding measurable differences they can make, if any.  Surely someone has done a valid study of the issue?  I'm hoping to avoid yet another power conditioner turf battle on Audiogon by focusing this post just on whether objective/scientific studies have been done.  If you know of any please share!
Reverse Polish Notation, Revisited; v4.3c; The Art of Current Conditioning.

Step 1 - Build your own backyard fusion source.  Best not to 'go big'; the DOD has a bad attitude about DIY....
This is no scientific study.  however, as an example, my neighbor below me in the same building was receiving "dirty" electricity like I did.   He just move in and has a high end system.  When he went to play it, he was receiving all kinds of interference through his speaker.  He bought a high end electricity filter and it eliminated the dirty electricity effect..  Purer sound.  for what its worth.