Tone arm resonance and cartridge compliance: How do they interact??

I read many years ago about the importance of tonearm resonance. How does that affect sound quality, and also cartridge compliance  How do you determine tonearm /cartridge compatibility??



After so many years of posting this link people still asking the same question. There is an answer. 

The most common mistake is to make a wrong calculation using a compliance figure printed in the cartridge manual if this compliance measured at 100Hz, because for correct calculation we must know a compliance measured at 10Hz. 

If you see dynamic compliance measured at 100Hz first you have to do is to convert it to 10Hz using x1.7 formula. 

Then follow instruction in this link.  

To measure actual resonance of your particular cartridge and tonearm you need a Hi-Fi News Test LP, this is the only was to see what is the resonance and what's going on with a cartridge and tonearm in this situation: 

"Tracks 2 & 3: Cartridge & Arm, Lateral & Vertical Resonance Test
These two tracks are used to test the resonant frequency or your tonearm and cartridge combination in both the vertical and horizontal domains. These tracks offer both a visual and auditory indication of the resonant frequency; the stylus will “wobble” and the test tone will warble. A resonant frequency between 8 - 15Hz is ideal." 

Thanks to everyone who responded with valuable links and explanations

However, "jjss49"   noted: ..." this is the internet...and search is your friend"   Well bully for you!!!. 

Maybe, we should abandon these forums and just crawl into our internet cave, and let our fingers do the walking( searching)  Audiogon is a membership, and also a fraternity of people interested to high end audio and quality sound.

 It seems that member " jjss49"  does not agree or just wants to eliminate the human element altogether.   His comment seems unfriendly and not in the spirit of the Audiogon's forum option 

i just don’t appreciate laziness and entitlement

forum is here to help folks, but they should try to help themselves a little first

just a little
Another interesting link.
there are 4 posts on cartridge matching in the blog and a calculator, read the blog posts first.

I have the test record mentioned by Chakster, it was thrown in when I bought my last cartridge, an SPU Royal N. Before fitting the SPU to my arm (Schröder) I ran my Proteus through the resonance tracks. Arm eff mass 13g, compliance 13, cartridge weight 7.8g, 0.9g for the screws (I weighed them). The Vinylengine calculator gives a resonance frequency of 9Hz for this combination, on the test record there was warble from 14Hz down but visible wobble only at 7Hz. Fitting the SPU involved changing an aluminium cartridge mounting plate for a brass one, this raises the arm’s effective mass to ~18g plus whatever effect moving the counterweight half an inch further back has but I’ll ignore that. So for the SPU eff mass is 18g, cartridge and the adaptor that comes with it 15.9g,screws and nuts 1.5g and the compliance 8. This gives a resonance from the calculator of between 9 to 10 Hz, on the test record I initially didn’t see any wobble with the setting roughed in but after a couple of weeks of fine tuning by ear I ran the test again and this time it wobbled at 7Hz. The Korf calculator, which I hadn’t found until later, offers an explanation for what is going on.