What is going on at Federal Express?

My first FedEx package was shipped from my audio retailer in Seattle to the San Francisco Bay Area. Two days after shipping, its delivery status changed to ’pending’. I called and they said they were investigating. The next day I called and was told the package was incorrectly routed to another City when it left Seattle. AND, they were trying to FIND it! The next day I was told they found it and it was being rerouted back the Hayward, CA FedEx Distribution Center. I received the package 2-days later.

My next FedEx package was also shipped from the same retailer in Seattle to the San Francisco Bay Area. Several days later, its delivery status also changed to pending. I called for 3-days straight days was finally told the package was ’RED FLAGGED’ meaning it was damaged. I asked what that meant and they said the package was being returned to the shipper. They would not tell me how it got damaged or how damaged the box was. They suggested I contact the shipper and ask them to file a claim. The retailer shipped me a replacement product using the USPS.

My third FedEx package was shipped from another store 8 miles from my home. It was scheduled for a Tuesday delivery but it, also had its delivery status changed. It is now being delivered today, Wednesday, I hope.

What is going on with FedEX? I have used FedEx many times in the past and they always delivered on time. Are other people having problems with FedEx?

suggestion to all

keep it on topic

keep politics out of it - country is divided and nasty enough, don’t need to import it here - or if we discuss it here, have a modicum of decency courtesy good will and good humor and respect for others of opposing views

nothing is as simple straightforward or onesided as it seems

music and music reproduction should soothe and distract from the lousy nationwide/worldwide condition we are in

lets get some joy out of being in this forum - otherwise we can turn on fox or cnn or msnbc
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I have always used FedEx to ship the vintage drums I restore, and have in over 900 ebay transactions not had a single carton damaged or lost. I pack everything myself, lots of bubble wrap and blocks of foam.

Sheila Berdan just shipped me a tube power amp, about 70 lbs. in the custom wood crate someone made for it (lined with dense foam). I heard the UPS truck drive up, and quickly opened the garage door and started rolling my dolly down the driveway. When the driver and I met in the middle, he leaned forward and dropped the crate onto the dolly from about a foot above it. The crate was stenciled "Fragile" on it’s top and all sides, along with arrows pointing upwards and "This Side Up".

I of course removed the bottom panel of the amp after unpacking it, and was relieved to see nothing had been knocked loose. Roger Modjeski built his amps to last. ;-) Just for the record, though born and raised in Richmond, Virginia, Roger moved to the ultra-liberal, leftist California to attend Stanford University (whose dorms my teenage band performed in, all the while being plied with keg beer). I guess that's when Roger was brainwashed and indoctrinated by his radical electronics professors, for California is where he set up shop for his Music Reference and RAM Tube Works businesses.

Apparently beautiful Santa Barbara wasn't radical enough for Mr. M, as he eventually moved his operation to the Bay Area, the Berkeley side of the Bay no less. Not far away (on the coast above Mill Valley), the true genius (a term used far too, heh, liberally for my liking) loudspeaker designer Siegfried Linkwitz did his research and development. Nelson Pass---another radical thinker ;-) ---was a neighbor.

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