Black Gate Cap upgrade on Museatex Bitstream DAC

I'm gettin my DAC back later this week from Johm, it had been built from the ground up 12months ago, but it was just this week the Black Gate caps have been put in. I'm not getting overly excited about it, I'll be suprised if I hear a big jump, but I am anxious if anybody out there has had it done and what the results were?
Hi Guys,

I bought a Bitstream dac updated to 2005 Data II specs w/ Black Gates and extra power supply mods a few months ago. I actually bought it off another A'Goner, Illia. I am extremely impressed by this dac - it almost analog sounding, in a good way - smooth, natural, detailed. It really closes a lot of the gap between CD & my vinyl rig. I've just got around to trying different Toslink and digital coax cables.

I also have a Melior/Museatex/Meitner CD-D transport that I just picked up. I sent Jon the serial number ,#89, and he mentioned that it was a very old unit. Although, it works flawlessly (for now).

The big question is if it is worth having it upgraded to the C-Lock T Anti-Jitter mod for $250?
Hey Darkmoebius, I actually bought John's personal transport off of him with all upgrades done to it. I can't comment on wheather the C-Lock upgrade makes a difference but I can recommened using a Moray James digital cable with the Meitner gear. Moray and John are good friends, and both use eachothers products to voice cables/mod's done. Ask John about the Moray James cables, they are quite brilliant with that gear.
Hi Lush,

That's great you his transport, you know it's in great shape. I kind of took a big risk with mine since John said they can't be fixed if anything goes wrong. So far, so good, though.

I'd love to have a Moray cable, but that $350 is a little out of my range right now. I still need to get a good pro amp for my passive subs and build some sound treatments. Though, I hear it is killer.

I'm hoping to find something affordable in the less than $125 that can get me by for a while until I can make the big step up. The Stereovox HDXV is doing pretty good right now. So are some Toslinks.
I can second Lush's comment about Moray James' digital cable between the Meitner transport and DAC. It was like night and day. I couldn't really hear the complete benefit of the DAC+upgrades until I got the cable.
Aaarrgh, you guys are killing me!

I really do need to check out one of his cables. I wonder if he's got some type of 2 week trial program?