Your advice on a good cable

Here is my curent system: YBA 2 Preamp, YBA 2HCDT AMP and JMlab Mini Utopia speaker with a Cambridge CD6 player. What brand of interconnect and speaker cable you recommand to take the best out of this setup. I had in mind to buy transparent ultra cable but some people in audiogon think that they are overpriced and not good (ref: Hall of shame)

Thanks for your help.
And please dont tell my to buy 10K$ cable Im not rich :)

limomangus476 posts08-04-2020 2:34pmDIY...lots of videos how to do it and when your finished you will truly have a work of art my friend.

LOL!!! you found a thread from 2001 (almost 19 years ago) to make this post.
@thyname- "LOL!!! you found a thread from 2001 (almost 19 years ago) to make this post."        Seems: they’ve found a new hobby/habit/compulsion!
Try Canare 4S11 only $1.28 per ft great cable used  professionally if you don't like them you haven't lost much.
I think they sound great and can't wait for the pandemic to be over and compare them with other peoples megabuck cables
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