Waht is the best streamer for the money under $2500 (no DAC or storage required).

I've got my sights on a Simiaudio Moon 2, auralic aries G1 and a Lumin.  Trying to stay below $2500 used or new.  I've heard great things about all, but the dealer who sells dozesn of highend gear is pusing hard towards the Moon 2.   I'm pairing the streamer with McIntosh MHA 100 headpone AMP.  Anyone have suggestions on these three or a comparable 4th or 5th option to consider?  Thanks.

I can't claim to have heard all the options suggested here, but there is one that I have a lot of experience with that has been previously mentioned.  The Aurender N100 is slightly above your budget new, and like well within your budget used.  About two years ago, I demoed it against a MacBook Pro with an iFi reclocker and Audioquest Carbn cable.  it took less than a minute to determine that completely smoked the MacBook Pro/iFi setup. Not even close.  I was pretty shocked.  I also bought the N100.  Was completely happy with it until a made a big mistake.  About a year after the purchase, I heard it compared to an Aurender N10.  My checkbook cried, but I upgraded.  As long as you don't listen to one of the megabuck streamers, I would expect you to be very happy with the N100. I still don't understand what makes the Aurender units sound so good, but clearly there is more to the story than 'bits-are-bits'.  And the Conductor app is quite good also.
Although the OP has already gone the PS audio route the Aurender n100 is a superb streamer and server with up to 4gb of internal storage available.
The only reason I moved on was Roon.
Aurender and Roon do Not Play well together, stemming from Aurender unfortunately who will not allow Roon to be the control software rather than Conductor.
Shame really as the SQ was fabulous and the Conductor app was pretty good although still much better on iOS than Android.
@uberwaltz - Yes, I would love to try Aurender + Roon, but as I understand it, that's very unlikely to ever happen.
Prior to selling my n100 I had multiple email conversation with Aurender regarding this aspect.
They were pretty adamant at the time that they considered allowing Roon to take control could lead to a reduction in SQ and were not prepared to do it as their reputation would be the one on the line.
After that is when I decided to sell the n100 as nearly all the rest of the streaming players were Roon Ready.

fwiw - Im currently running a Cambridge CXN v2 streamer into a JL audio Cr-1 to a Mcintosh MA7900 integrated to B&W 805D4s - I am very happy with the Tidal Connect quality esp their “Master” recordings. 

Would I notice a markable difference in any of these “higher end” streamers?

this post got me thinking