Black Gate Cap upgrade on Museatex Bitstream DAC

I'm gettin my DAC back later this week from Johm, it had been built from the ground up 12months ago, but it was just this week the Black Gate caps have been put in. I'm not getting overly excited about it, I'll be suprised if I hear a big jump, but I am anxious if anybody out there has had it done and what the results were?
I can second Lush's comment about Moray James' digital cable between the Meitner transport and DAC. It was like night and day. I couldn't really hear the complete benefit of the DAC+upgrades until I got the cable.
Aaarrgh, you guys are killing me!

I really do need to check out one of his cables. I wonder if he's got some type of 2 week trial program?
Lush, what do you think of the performance if the modified dac and have you tried diferent digital cables. Phil Brady.
Yeah Lush, inquiring minds want to know.

I finally picked up a sed Moray James digital cable and it lives up to it's reputation. So far, the bst of any cable I've tried - coax or Toslink.