q3 magico

Good morning .....
There are no review on q3??
Thank you to all forum members.
Sorry about that. Go to:


and click on the Magico Q3 review under VIEW "download PDF"

Just tried it again and it works.

Not sure why it's cutting off the end of the URL. The above link does seem to work. If not,

Go To: www.absolutesounds.com

which is the UK distributor for Magico. Then to to "Press Room" and then click on download the PDF review. Hope this works.

"As an owner of the Tidal Piano Cera, I have no problem with the reviewer comparing my $23,000 retail loudspeaker to the $39,000 Magico."

"the Tidal seemed to add a faint scrim of noise to each note, a single flaw that became a sonic roadblock: I couldn’t ignore it."

I understand, but the problem is that Tidal's Diacera Contriva (same price category than the Q3 or more expensive) is doing exactly the same ...
I personnally dislike this kind of lacquer put on the music which makes it sound "nicer" for certain type of audiophile freak. This is not working and even disturbing for a musician or melomane listener.