Concrete Audio Speakers...Speaker Enclosures made out of Concrete ?..

Could concrete speaker enclosures give us the most realistic sound ?  

 Not connected with this company in any way
audiotroy2,546 posts08-16-2020 12:26am

Kenjit is wrong concrete. Does not resonate the issiue is weight and ability to ship without damage


My oh my, I don’t think he is, but I do think you are... CONCRETE is REAL bad.... GROUT mixes on the other hand.. quit good.. Concrete is WAY to heavy because of the rock type and size. Grout on the other hand, less than half the weight (depending on the fluff) and can have a very DEAD signature..

Again NO ONE uses, granite. You cannot use granite. They use synthetic granite, ATH @ Corian... Granite, basite, any igneous rock will ring... It has a very low concentration of silica. The baffle mix has to have a high porosity (bubbles in the mix, but no voids) Igneous rock, is a NO NO..

Some naturally occurring sedimentary, looks good and can work, but has no strength..

Metamorphic, changes under great heat, pressure and TIME. It’s out...
just like Igneous, way to dence, very difficult to work with, without some pretty fancy tools.. The weight, out of sight!! the heaviest of all, ay?

Try cutting 3-20 driver holes, praying the whole time, hole # 10 won’t have a problem, much less # 20..
Now lets add an OOPS or two in the mix... :-)

I would think concrete could work....there are so many thickness you could work with. Thicker for the woofer. There is light weight concrete and you could texture the inside with ie. polystyrene or some media to make it more textured. ...the problem is how the hell are you going to test much work in my view. 
Uh boy. All of these box enclosures. If you love listening to box speakers it’s just another box speaker. I use dipole electrostats. I couldn’t be happier. 
I was an electrostat listener for over 20 years, from Acoustat Xs, 2+2s, Martin Logan Monolith IIIs (and reQuest for 2nd system).  Then I met my wife 23 years ago and she found them unlistenable.  She said they lack dynamics, bass and more than one listener ability.  She was right.  I went to big dynamic box speakers which had all of those factors.  The best speakers I've ever heard or wanted are large dynamic box speakers (except for maybe the big SoundLabs).  I should have kept the 2+2s for my second system.  Can I suppose that your listening to electrostats is for yourself primarily and not for a group of people?   Sanders stats are particularly one person speakers, like giant headphones.   
There are at least 3 companies that have used granite for speaker enclosures that I can think of, so there are probably more.