q3 magico

Good morning .....
There are no review on q3??
Thank you to all forum members.
"As an owner of the Tidal Piano Cera, I have no problem with the reviewer comparing my $23,000 retail loudspeaker to the $39,000 Magico."

"the Tidal seemed to add a faint scrim of noise to each note, a single flaw that became a sonic roadblock: I couldn’t ignore it."

I understand, but the problem is that Tidal's Diacera Contriva (same price category than the Q3 or more expensive) is doing exactly the same ...
I personnally dislike this kind of lacquer put on the music which makes it sound "nicer" for certain type of audiophile freak. This is not working and even disturbing for a musician or melomane listener.
I agree with you a 100%, Clavil. I was so hopping to like these Tidal and was so disappointed. A friend of mine bought them, blindly, after all the raves here on Audiogon. Silly things we audiophiles do...
Q3 going up to $39,500.00 Sept 2nd is it worth it.Will they be coming out with a Q2 wonder?
Clavil, I only attempted to point out the unfairness in comparing one design that retails for 65% more, and where one is less likely to get a discount. If I came out with a new speaker product, I would want a reviewer to compare its performance to more expensive designs, not lower cost product(s). What is the sense in that? The Contriva Diacera is a more expensive than the Q3 and that comparison makes more sense to Magico IMO. Are you suggesting that the Contriva Diacera and Piano Cera have the same issues?
Well, I had read Jeff's review and was amazed at his euphoria about the Magicos. I have only had limited opportunities to hear both the Q3s and the Tidal Piano Ceras, but I heard nothing like what he described from either speaker. I've never thought much of any Magico, with the exception of the V3 and know a guy who sold his V3 to buy Tidal Contriva Diacera SEs.

All I can really say is that my conclusion would be the opposite of Jeff's. He must be very impressed, however, as the Magicos replace his Rockport Arrakises.