q3 magico

Good morning .....
There are no review on q3??
Thank you to all forum members.
James63, that does make sense. Nonetheless, it also makes sense for the reviewer to seek out price peers or more expensive products with which to compare/contrast, particularly when one is so effusive in his praise.
FWIW. When I had my V3, it was actually the Piano Cera which prompted me to order the Contriva. If anything, it was the previous Magicos I owned that had that faint scrim mentioned. An ever present lingering haze to their upper bass through mid which held back from my ultimately enjoying the system, more so the V3, and to a lesser extent the Mini2. Listening to the Piano minus those artifacts was a revelation then.

Upon receiving my Contriva, I was then asked to describe differences by fellow members, which I reluctantly commented simply by just saying--more connectedness to the music and felt as if veils have been lifted--finally! Yes, it is imo that much better, but then again so what, that it too cost much more comparing them would be meaningless based on pricing alone.

Now, the Q series I'm sure is a different and much improved animal. And if they are what they are reputed to be--would make a much more valid comparison. But still, we all hear things differently. And as far as me goes, I have neither the urge nor wants to make that comparison anymore. I've hopped off the speaker-go-round. Hope and pray! ;))

Re the Piano sounding loose, there is this variogain bass tuning incorporated. I see that in the review the reviewer chose the setting with that slight bass boost rendering a slightly relaxed yet looser presentation. Having one port plugged, could actually tighten things by quite a bit, less boost, but bass will tighten and go down noticeably deeper too. I guess the reviewer's room is on the large side thus dictates/preferred the use of previous setting.
Bvidman, I had forgotten that the Piano Cera review had used the (variotuning) bass boost setting as opposed to the flat/neutral setting which users in the small to medium sized rooms will prefer. Unlike the Contriva series, the Piano series does not have a provision for port plugging. BTW, don't want to see this thread turned into a Tidal vs Magico discussion. No doubt that both brands are world class.....
Tidal Contriva is a wonderful speaker i have heard them .The new MAGICO Q5 and Q3 are in another class but thats my opinion.MAGICO has better drivers a better cabinet better crossover etc.
Ebm, I welcome your opinion, but no sale here. I do admire the Q3 cabinet, but I feel no vibrations with my Contrivas. Also I hear no magic in the Magicos that I hear with the Contrivas. Incidentally I doubt that the crossover in the Magicos can match that in the Diaceras.

I am not on a crusade for the Tidals, but I find the hype about the Magicos shockingly at odds with what I hear.