q3 magico

Good morning .....
There are no review on q3??
Thank you to all forum members.
I agree with Clavil about the Magico sound. I find it to be less "hifi". I first heard the V2 and then the Mini II. I bought the latter and listen mostly to classical music. I have since heard the Q3 in an excellent setting at my local dealership. It sounds less like a box than any box speaker I've ever heard. It is an incredible speaker and I wish I could afford to own it.

Lots of people don't like Magico speakers, and that's fine.
Tbg, I wasn't sure how to reply to your post. You really do not sound like you are "welcome" of anyone opinion or "glad" I found a speaker I like (Which I have not yet, that is why I am here, trying to learn more about the Q3). Since you got me going, I thought you may find this interesting as well - Randall Smith, another writer thoughts on the Q3's sound (Taken from whatisbestforum):

"Well, heard the Q3 for the second time last night and I must say that I am impressed. I have read Jeff's review and talked to him extensively about what he has been hearing, so I knew what to listen for. I must admit that the Q3 was a far better speaker than the Tidal. I heard far more ambient information through the Q3's than I have ever heard through any other speaker. The information seemed more forward or pronounced than I am accustomed to and was also more precise within the soundstage. I felt the Q was also a more composed speaker. At loud volumes, where too much energy can smear vocal images or blur the image of sharp guitar string, I felt the Q3 reproduced these sounds much better. Midrange was more clear and textured. I found the bass to be cleaner and clearer..."

This will be my last comment on the Tidal. Sorry if I offended anyone. I was simply impressed that a reviewer will stick his neck out so far and say it as he hears it. The Tidal are fine speakers, just not for me.

"I was simply impressed that a reviewer will stick his neck out so far and say it as he hears it"

I have to agree, Ultra Audio and Soundstage! are the only review publications I trust at all these days. I have heard a number of speakers they have reviewed and I tend to agree with them on almost every point. You also have to commend them on using the "National Research Council of Canada" to measure some of the speakers they review.
I don't understand the Tidal cost structure---I mean, they are mdf cabinet speakers at extremely high prices. At least Magico and Wilson seem to give you a unique cabinet at their respective pricing.