q3 magico

Good morning .....
There are no review on q3??
Thank you to all forum members.
Keith, in all fairness, I think we have to look at it both ways. Magico might be the better value for U.S consumers, likewise, the Tidal for those residing in Europe (Countries of origin). But for us in countries whereby both these products are equally imported, price of Tidal Cera nett just slightly below (few $Ks) that of the V2 (both brand new and discounted).
Are there any Q3 owners who would like to contribute to this thread? What do you think of the reviews and do the reviewers' findings match your own? Did you consider Tidal speakers when deciding on the Q3?
I knew Magico, Tidal, YG (for that matter) would come into a discussion at one time or another, to be expected eventually.

I'd sure hate to be a reviewer in this heat.
I think Jeff Fritz is respected around here. It was a well-written and thoughtful review. I don't understand your point.
I have Q3 now for several weeks. I think the description of Q3's sound in Ultra Audio is very accurate especially regarding absence of distortion/coloration, tranparency and the bass. Never heard any speaker with clean, highly detailed bass like Q3 before except in Q5. I only heard Tidal once but in a rather poorly setup room so it would not be fair to compare. I am not sure if I would stick out my neck and say that it is the best speakers under $50,000 since I have not heard them all under good conditions but of those I heard, I prefer Q3 over the quite a bit more expensive Rockport,Wilson, YG Kipod, and Lumen White speakers for sure.