q3 magico

Good morning .....
There are no review on q3??
Thank you to all forum members.
>>Whow what a cool thread!!
Not so cool for the Tidal bullies who are trying to end it, apparently...

If and when there will be a Q2, I do not think it will be as efficient as the Q3. I have heard the Q3 last week on a Nagra VPA monoblocks. A real shocker. Who said you can't run a Magico on a 50W tube amp?? Glorious is the word that comes to mind. Need to reorganize my belief system...
usermanual, not"tidal bullies", more like tidal girls.they get angry when somebody does not like their doll.
in europe,tidalspeakers is average, maximum!
maybe in the usa, people think it is"exotic made in germany".but it is average design ,under average sound in a pretty box. i think more tidals will be for sale soon.
magico q3 is not so pretty ,but sound very real!