q3 magico

Good morning .....
There are no review on q3??
Thank you to all forum members.
"Wow! Quite ballsy. Refreshing. Can't wait to see what the Tidal guys have to say..."

Usermanual, Appears you are the one who gleefully hijacked this thread. Dare I say it...how ironic!

That's it for me. I'm moving on.
"Bostonbean : Finally I do find it odd that the same 3 or 4 posters bash Tidal speakers at every opportunity they can find. No bashing of other speakers, just praises for Magico, some for Focal, and bashing of Tidal. I hope readers see through this."

>> CLEARLY >>childish and filled with animosity, wonder their agenda. LOL!
Bostonbean - I apologized and explained almost 40 posts ago... Now can we move on??

//////////////////08-14-11: Usermanual
not all Tidal owners are happy. It is only better manners that some people have over others that prevents them for gushing out and ruining others parties//////////

disclaimer I have never heard any of tidal speakers(yet), nor i have any other comercial interest, but i have more than 3 "ex-tidal"owners history- the description of exact sonic flaws and final moovement to very strange "upgrade" speaekers (all very diferent) tells me that the somewhere outside theese forums discusions lies the truth.
Don't know if the response from Peterayer was for me, but my "point" was I wouldn't like being a reviewer in such a "touchy" area as this, it had nothing to do with Jeff Fritz being well respected or thoughtful.

You can easily see how half these threads on A-gon end up in the UFC cage, esp. when you enter this super hi-end foray.