What isolation feet under your amp with great result?

I'm looking for more cleaner, micro inner details. Not tone control or dynamic.
Amp is 82-lb. TIA
@tweak1 I can feel the low frequency isolation with my hand. My speakers have separate cabinets for the bass and mid-range/tweeter pair, and the head units sit on top of the bass cabinets. With the isoacoustic pucks under the head unit, I could still feel bass frequencies when I put my hand on top of the head unit cabinet. With the springs I cannot.
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Indeed. Everyone shopping for these solutions should use that to tool. Good recommendation.
Tried Isopods, & Herbies Tenderfeet under two different integrated amps I own - Audio Note Meishu Tonmeister and an old AN Soro. Found that the sound became mushy and much less interesting to my ears. I've had the best results under each with some old Mapleshade brass footers (the heavier the better) that I've had forever. The approach that worked best for me was anchoring the music makers (amp, dac, etc) and floating the noise makers (TT power supply). For floating the TT power supply, I'm currently using a thermal isolation silicon foam pad from an surplus space-grade test setup (-58°C to +128°C at the time) we had at work with 3 Isopods on top of that. Hope you get to where you want to go.
Noob question perhaps, but how can isolated feet contribute to better sound quality?