Vandersteen 5Aa Carbon--any 5a owner's opinions?

I'm new to 5as, having my pair since only 23 April. They're absolutely the best-sounding speakers I've ever heard, and I'm thrilled to have them.

But I understand that some of us V'steenists have raved about the 7's superior transparency, etc. The 5a Carbons use the 7's MR driver and (I think) a better tweeter than the 5a. Has anyone heard them?
With the Vandersteen upgrades to the Model 5 Chassis (5 to 5A and now 5A to Carbons), there is very little margin and very much time/effort. As a straight up business proposition, a normal manufacturer wouldn't even consider it. However, Richard Vandersteen is committed to his original owners, and therefore will be offering the 5/5A to Carbon upgrade for these original owners only.

I've had 5A and now Sevens and can't begin to describe the joy they bring. The 5 Carbon will certainly be worth it, as the new midrange is really spectacular. Enjoy your 5As for now, and rest assured you can achieve even more with the upgrade. - Pete -
I forgot to mention that Richard Vandersteen will be featuring the 5 Carbons with Audio Research electronics at the upcoming T.H.E. Show Newport Beach June 3-5. Here's your chance to hear them (albeit show conditions).
For the record, the 5a to 5a carbon upgrade will be $8600, but as has been pointed out, only original 5a owners need to apply.
How difficult is it to set up Vandersteen 5As yourself with the equalizer & all that?