Synergy Matching

Members, please share your component matching (speakers, amps, DACs) that you have finally attained that "Perfect Synergy/Sound" for you.
My approach to synergy is its bunk. Do yourself a favor, a great big favor that will pay dividends throughout your whole audio career, and give the concept of synergy some serious thought. Then banish it from your lexicon forever.

The whole idea of synergy is no component is perfect, they all are bad in some ways, but with synergy something that is bad in one way can be combined with something bad in a complimentary way, and through the magic of synergy the total result will be good.

That’s it, right? I’m not making anything up. You’re supposed to cover up the flaws in one thing with flaws from another. Doesn’t sound so flattering when you put it that way. But that’s what you’re doing: looking for band-aids. My system is rolled off on top, I’ll get synergy with those hyped up Nordost whatever’s. Whatever.

What I do instead is recognize the fact no component is perfect. They all have their flaws. I listen and evaluate and find the ones with the balance of flaws I am best able to live with. And then I live with them.

Well technically I keep working at getting the most out of them. But whatever. The point is I do not ever go looking for something all screwed up one way just to fix something known to be screwed up in another. Because the one thing I do know for certain, this is a recipe for disaster. You will never be happy. And every time you try and upgrade something, now you’re caught on this hamster cage asking the same questions we see around here every single day- what amp (pre-amp, cartridge, cable, fill in the blank) goes with this speaker (power cord, conditioner, DAC, fill in the freaking blank)?

This is how I have been doing this 30 years and almost always really happy with everything and keep my components usually around ten years but sometimes 15 or more. Where if I went for the siren song of synergy I’d be on the same hamster wheel as everyone else asking what this should I get to go with that.

There. If this was a stake I would drive it right through the heart of synergy. Cut its head off. Head coffin. Still, watch the lifeless zombie plod on.....
Gee Chuck, I was just asking what combinations of components that  people have put together that sound good. I'm not sure what to say?
How's the Moabs maybe?
When building a system and choosing equipment there are synergies related to many factors such as your price range, your room size, decor that is acceptable in your household, musical listening preferences, ease of operation (I.e., tubes vs. SS or whether to include a TT or go solely with digital), and more.  I believe you are speaking primarily about synergy related to equipment matching.  Synergy between your gear is important because if you go down the wrong road with the wrong gear then no amount of tweaking or gear-matching will get you over the finish line.  I believe that Is the point made by @millercarbon below.  My first “high-end” speakers were purchased based on great reviews but were totally wrong  for my listening preferences so I wasted too much time and money trying to make them work.What has worked for me is matching each piece of gear to my musical and listening preferences, which include rich tonality and impactful dynamics for primarily rock, blues and lesser amounts of soul and jazz.  The souped up SMc monos were the last step in providing sufficient power for the Aerial speakers come to life and provide the dynamics I am looking for across the entire frequency spectrum.  The digital front end is my attempt to create a coherent sound without digital sounding artifacts by using a NOS DAC, optical decoupling of the Ethernet input, and an I2S connection to the DAC instead of USB.  Even though I like the volume control directly from the DAC, I run the output through a high end buffer to maintain the level of body and impact I enjoy.  It all works well together for me.
Well then, sorry. Its just when I see "Synergy Matching" and "please share your component matching (speakers, amps, DACs) that you have finally attained that "Perfect Synergy/Sound" I figure its a guy looking for help with what I know to be a misleading concept and one that people have wasted untold time and money on.  

I mean I like to answer questions and help as best I can. But there's so many of these "what speaker goes with this amp" type questions I hardly ever even bother any more. 

Now the question really is "what combinations of components that people have put together that sound good" and so my answer changes to 

My mistake, I should have worded my title caption differently then.
Maybe I'll start a new thread to do so?

Thanks for the link thread Chuck. I really want to know how that Raven is going to light up those Tektons.

Mitch2 kind of has the idea. Maybe you could elaborate more on the particulars of your system. I'm sorry you went through the speaker hassle. I think sharing those experiences along with listing your equipment and how it all pulls together will be very helpful, not just to me but the community as a whole.