What tube amp for Harbeth 40.1

I am looking for a tube amp for Harbeth 40.1.  I know many suggest SS amp such as Accuphase, Luxman, Hegel, McIntosh ... etc for Harbeth, but I decided to keep it with tube.  I also don’t think I need a lot of power.  I currently have a 8W custom built 300B and had a 18W Almarro 318B, and to me, they sound fine.  However, I think more power will help, and I never know what I missed until I try it out.  Having said that, I don’t think I need crazy power.  Anything 30-80W is good enough for me.  I am 3m away from the speakers, listen to Jazz at avg 83dB.

i have the following short list:
1) PrimaLuna Evo 400 integrated
2) Leben CS600X 
3) Linear Tube Audio Z40

Which one do people like with Harbeth?  Any other suggestion?

Among all qualities, I value holographic presentation the most.  I really like the feeling as if the singer is floating in front of me, if you know what I mean.  And my current 300B do pretty well in this regards, and I read this is what SET amps are good at.  Will I be disappointed with the above?
Now my search of a preamp begins ...

Actually, I have two options now. Because I also want to upgrade my DAC. I am using an Audio GD nfb3. It is an entry level DAC bought maybe 8 years ago. I upgraded to a Topping DX7 pro but the Bluetooth keeps dropping, so I return it. I taste what a new DAC may bring to me. However, I don’t know how much improvement I will get from adding a preamp.

First option is to get a DAC with a preamp out. The focus is in the DAC. Hopefully the output impedance match better than my current DAC which doesn’t have a preamp out.

Second option is to stick with the NFB3 DAC and get a preamp. Max budget is $2000. I read another threads, and I am seriously considering the LTA MZ2. Or for a similar price, I can get a custom built amp/preamp using 71A tube in push pull.
Which route will give me biggest improvement for now?
First Time posting in any forum... Anyway I had the Leben CS600 paired with Harbeth Compact 7 for three years and they sound beautiful together... The Leben is Rate for 32 Watts with 6L6 tubes but my ears feel more than that. Is a very good integrated.

Agreed. Mark’s engineering/architecture of Berning’s technology is a sonic marvel amd masterpiece, so much so that I’m going to be running the zotl ref40 as monoblocks controlling my 40.2 A's through the microzotl.


Why not find a used McIntosh tube preamp so you know you’ll have a match.

@aj523 actually, I don’t know.  Is it better to matching the brand, or try to find “the best” preamp regardless of the brand?  The McIntosh preamps are expensive too ... because of the brand, I think.  I just feel for the same money I may be able to get something better.  For example, 
- Coincident Line Stage
- Supratek 
- LTA preamp

... or Luxman?  I like the brand.

Ok all tubes i see.  My point was that if you start mixing brands of tubes and SS gear, you have to be extra careful with proper impedance matching.  Expensive mistakes happen.