An Odd Question

What if any is the sonic impact of having multiple (3) acoustic guitars on stands in your listening room? Is stereo imaging or other audible parameters impacted? 
I'm willing to keep a capo on the strings - there's often one there anyway. Plugging the soundholes - not so much. Too much of a pain for my lazy self. This is truly what is referred to as a first world problem !
This thread made me think of a close friend, with a collection of guitars, banjos and dobros, many of which are displayed on the walls in the room adjacent to his system (10’ wide opening, between rooms).     He generally has his favorite Martin acoustic, on the couch next to his listening chair (he likes to accompany).     As I; he enjoys realistic SPLs, so- I mentioned this thread to him.     He’s since noticed them all singing along, especially the hollow-bodied models.     Of course; that just makes sense, given how acoustic resonances work.     None of this is bothering him, but- I suppose it could become one of those insidious mind-worms.     If it ever does: I’ll mention a felt strip, woven between the strings (per clearthinker), which would provide much damping (if thick enough).             btw: Using a capo would only raise the resonant frequency/pitch, if used in the normal manner (tightly, on a fret).    Applied loosely = noise.
I use Fretwraps by GruvGear on mine because I noticed both would start sympathetic vibrating at times.  Stopped that problem quickly but caused a secondary issue.  My purist friend now says I'm cheating.  Can't make everyone
  • Thats true...capo would just raise the pitch, not really address the issue.  Good point...Now I'm fiddling with where in the room the guitars should options based on space and room shape... Maybe I just accept the idea that the stereo gets good vibes from the guitars and vice versa!
Fretwraps to me...sounds like an easy solution to this issue. Thanks. I'll explore.