Qobuz or Tidal?

Qobuz or Tidal? And why?

Aurender, good DAC, no MQA. US.
Interesting.  I have both and had never listened carefully to compare.  There is a difference with Redbook.  To me Qobuz is a bit euphonic and heavy sounding.  I like Qobuz at low volumes but Tidal is cleaner at higher spl.
I go back and forth on MQA, my DAC does not do it, Roon does the first unfold.  It adds presence but does not always sound good.  
I would choose Tidal for the content and sound if I had to choose one.
anzaanimalclinic -- It's interesting that you chose Tidal over Qobuz using exactly the same criteria by which I chose Qobuz, except with a different conclusion.  Let freedom ring!  On the other hand, maybe we can blame it on our different stereo rigs.  As for MQA, my Mytek Brooklyn Bridge has full-on support for the feature but I still prefer Qobuz.  It doesn't hurt that I'm a classical junkie and the Q gives me more of it. 
It seems (almost?) nobody here likes MQA. There is no requirement to use MQA with Tidal and I don’t but still get good sound. Many here list the positives of using Qobuz and if their selection of rock and blues matched Tidal’s, or if my preference were for classical, then I would be using them too.
I agree the gear can make the difference.  I just made 3 changes today and that changed my preference of Tidal or Qobuz.  First I added a Chord English Electric 8switch between my Etherregen and the wall.  The 8Switch was a huge change all positive.  Added a lot of weight, focus and richness.  With Qobuz the euphonics were gone just a much more textured sound, Tidal in comparison sounded a bit thin.
Using Roon for comparison the music on my library did not have the same new richness and weight as Tidal or Qobuz.  I moved the 8Switch between my SOtM sNH-10G and Innuos Server and I have the same effect now with my library.  My Roon core is on an Antipodes Core on the SOtM sNH-10G.  I have files on both the Innuos and Antipodes but the Innuos is just a bit better.
The 3rd change was replacing the ethernet connection between the Etherregen and sNH-10G with Optical fiber.  Definitely an uptic in clarity and smoothness.
With the current set up I prefer Qobuz.  The 8switch changed my preference.  If I did not hear the difference I would be happy with Tidal but knowing that Qobuz sounds better it would be my choice if I had to make one.
Hi, I didn't want to start a new thread as I found this. I had 3 months of cheap Tidal, but since it expires tomorrow I wanted to check out Qobuz. I transferred my "test track" playlist from Tidal to Qobuz and started listening. I hear an immediate improvement in detail, bass clarity, separation. How can this be? I thought these services are "bit perfect".
I use a Lumin D1 DAC which can do MQA as well, and I have upsampling to DSD turned on. For MQA upsampling doesn't work though, however, my test tracks are mostly non-mqa anyway. I previously noticed an improvement with Tidal from no upsampling. But now I'm amazed at how good qobuz sounds on the same songs. I'm really surprised. Are these services using the same "original" sources? Why is there a change in quality? Does it have to do with integration between the Lumin and the particular service? Or am I hearing things?:)