CD Spinners Help Needed: Pioneer Elite PD 65 or Enlightened Audio Design T 1000

Hey all

I recently was gifted two CD spinners. I have a new looking Pioneer Elite PD 65 CDP and an Enlightened Audio Design T 1000 transport. I haven't spun CD's in years and now have two well respected spinners with similar topology. Both look quite attractive and functioning properly as far as I can tell. My question is if you were going to sell one and keep one which one to sell and keep (and why..).

The pioneer is in better shape aesthetically and looks to be nearly mint (not a scratch not a blemish). The EAD T 1000 appears a little more ruggedly built and "audiophile-like" in its appearance, but not as pristine as the pioneer. I don't currently have a decent DAC to use with which to platy the EAD. The DAC I used to test it for functioning is a cheapo china made thing. I didn't figure with the DAC a fair comparison could be made between the EAD and Pioneer CDP. 

Your thoughts and advice are greatly appreciated!! 

i helped a friend create a system recently and I gifted the Pioneer to him, keeping the EAD For myself. I believe the EAD has a more laid back presentation and it has a remote which the Pioneer did not. 
I have the EAD DSP 7000. still awesome on CDs. Cost me a bit recently to get recapped, but it sounds fantastic.