Keep investing in peripherals to make expensive an DAC work in my system, or get a new DAC

I recently purchased a DCS Bartok for headphone use and I’ve had some real struggles getting it not to kill my ears with slam, transients and edgy highs. I have a great Shunyata-based power/cable system, a Innuos Zenith as network server connected with Shunyata Sigma Ethernet, and a number of headphone cables for my Meze Empyrean. I just didn’t like the Bartok’s headphone amp, so I’m using an Audeze The King MkII, which sounds a lot better. I also found that the USB input, while generally inferior, is easier on my ears. 

I liked what I heard at the retailer reasonably well, but did not have a chance to audition on my own system. And I can’t return it.

Anyway, for a system where the transducers are right by my ears I’ve had to make a lot of tweaks and it looks like I now have two options:

1. Put my hopes into upgrading my ethernet connection with an EtherRegen and even more spendy ethernet cables to get a smoother sound AND buy another expensive headphone cable with a warmer balance. AND maybe even try a different power cable.

2. Sell the almost new Bartok at a loss and get a smoother USB-centered DAC like a used EMM Labs DA2 and an Innuos Phoenix for using USB. This will ultimately cost me quite a bit over what I’ve already spend (yikes) and take me away from network playback, though my Innuos is a streamer anyway. 

At what point do you conclude that it isn’t the digital sources, cables etc. and just get a different DAC, after having sunk so much money already?
Thanks for your suggestion. Going back to the stock Meze cable *almost* totally removes the fatigue, but as you said it is a bit warm and less detailed. 
I actually had a BHA-1 for a while, but it was way too edgy for me. I've heard good things about the HPA4. 
Why not give the HPA4 a free home trial. You put the Bartok  XLR outputs into input #1 of the HPA4 which is supposed to be optimized for DACs. 

Last night I went to bed listening to the BHA-1 + Meze and Springsteen's River album. That edginess you and I hear bothered the heck out of me. What did you replace your BHA-1 with? The BHA-1 does s few things I like, such as analog inputs and XLR outputs to external speakers. I would love to find something that has that feature set. I only paid $900 for my 10/10 used unit so I am keeping it around but I do get annoyed by it.
Yesterday I was discussing the LA4 with someone who uses is the Davinci DAC from DCS. He uses the LA4 (same as the HPA4 minus headphone amp) and thinks it is great. Maybe your sound issue is the headphone amp of the Bartok.
(near the end of this thread)
It’s not a bad suggestion, but I’m thinking the issue isn’t the headphone amp. I have a few options already, The King MkII, an LTA MZ3 tube amp, and the pretty decent solid state amp in my Mytek Manhattan II. I haven’t tried hooking up the Mytek yet (the only one that can do balanced) but The King is extremely good, and the MZ3 is more smooth and rounded and yet still struggles with some of these intense transients from the Bartok. 

My suspicion is that it’s either just the DCS sound, a power cable incompatibility, an unrefined digital input, or all three. The problem is, a lot of money gets spend before I know for sure that it’s just the DAC.

After the BHA-1 I briefly used a Lehmann Black Cube Linear which was nice, similar to the Bryston but not harsh, and fewer features, but for a long time I just used the Mytek headphone amp which is surprisingly good. I even kept using it with my Direcstream DAC until I finally switched over to the tube ones, although it is actually almost as good.