Offer / counter-offer? Audiogon rules

I am a seller. I receive an offer. I immediately counter-offer. The potential buyer declines it. Is the buyer still bound to his original offer for the orignal 48 hrs.?
Agree with many above. If you decline an offer or decline and counter offer, the offer you received is gone. You declined it. No obligation exists on the buyers part and you have no right to it as a seller. Good luck. 
The burden is on the offer. In real estate you list price X, potential offers Y, you counter Z. Potential declines or simply doesn’t sign/respond to the counter offer... back to zero. Negotiation over for that offer “cycle”.
Legally, there can only be one offer on the table. So there is no such thing as "counter-offer" it's I offer, you declined, you offer, etc. This is how offer works, here on the web or in real life, FYI.
The balls still in your court. Your offer declined. To me, it sounds like you both know what you wanted and neither agreed. Back to square 1.