Line Stage Preamplifiers AX vs AU

Just learning a  few things about these components,,, seems to me best tube fora  linestage (PREamp term should only be applied to a  amp with phono section/ w/o phone, = Line Stage) anyway,, seems to me best circuitty for a  *passive line stage* would be the 12AU7 tube,  and not employ any 12AX7's. 
The AX ha s a mu of 100, so it really scrams and thus pushes the db level too much as it reaches the pwoer amp.
The AU has a  mu of only 15, so its alsmost passive, which is really whata  line stage should be , just passing the  signal from the source to the amp,  with the least involvement, IMHO alot of line stage amps, have too much coloration and muddiness due to the usage od 12AX7's. 
Leaving me with voting the only  line stage  employing all 12AU7 circuitry i know of under $2K as best Line stage on the market.
Yeah thing is, DIY folks can complain *yeah this jadis circuitry is all funky,, so many things I JUST DON"T GET,,,* 
I've heard this from both my  local New Orleans techs,, My Baton Rouge tech, doesn't seem to care .
anyway,, the local tech's mod of replacing the 12AX7 to a  12AU7, = did not work out.
The sound is mushy, = that *Jadis sound*  has departed.. 
so for <<all Jadis' faults > in designs, maybe they did actually know what they were doing...
Now i have to convince the  tech guy, that although he hada  great idea,, and on paper his idea was not so bad, I really need to hear what I know was there , pre mod.
My suggestion about mods, is don't go for it, Tweaks, yeah, upgrade a  cap, upgrade a  ressitor,, but don't change up the circuitry.
He is convinced his mod is superor to Jadis' orginal 12AX7 design.
Also everyone is saying the cd buffer on the DPL actually *adds distortion* = bypass and use the  AUX out,, Not to my eras, The 12AU7 buffer sounds superior to AUX.
Just wondering is there some sort of,, **ohh those french Jadis designers,, man just what are they thinking.>> Hangup attitudes among some american DIY tech geeks? 
Just curious,,sort of like, *WE know better*. 
Does jadis make design errors,, or do Jadis designers know their stuff,,,after all is said and done,,and RE done back to the way it was,,,?

These last words remind me,, ,,and the way it,,,was,,,Barbara Straisand. 
ok  woke up this morning,, and you were on my mind and YOU were,,,couldn't resist humming that tune just now,,,anyway,, I figured out why the american DIY/tech geeks are wrong about jadis' Line stage design , so called << The Issues with that french design>> OK, the tech elimintaeda  the 1st tube, which was a a  12AX7,,, now with that gone, he figured,,**oh now you can turn the gain up on the vol and have more resolution, more db level ** etc,,not sure what his ideas are/were,,anyway, Jadis ' Line Stage are famous for their gain. On any Jadis Line stage from my 20 yr old DPL to their falgship $50K line stage JA500, it only takes <<less than>> 1/4= 1/3 on the vol knob to have bountous SLAMM/db levels. 
I mean mean your amp will ,,,,rock on,,,oh my soul...anyway,, with the 12AX7 out, now 3 12AU7's in,  the sound is mushy/flat,,, oh yeah you can turn vol up more,,but all that jadis voicing is ,,gone.
The lone 12AX7, has a  mu of 100, this circuit needs that 12AX&, to push the fq 's through the 2 12AU7's,, and in spite of all the popular opinions that the cd buffer 12AU7 stage  is not needed, and a  complete waste,, that the AUX for cd sounds <<so much better>> to my expierience in my system the cd buffer sounds superior , not by much, but in our rule of thumb,, << a  nuance is a nuance>>
The cd buffer is in fact superior to the AUX,, Owners of the DPL have the old stock caps,, once they change the caps to Mundorf Silvergold EVO oil,, then they will hear the nuance come through... anyway,  back to Linestage designs.. So what Cayin did with their Mark2, LS6 Line stage is employ 4 12AU7's.. with a  pair of retifer tubes,,now you think,, well according to your theory, a  pair of 12AU7's per channel, is noy going to offer enough mu to push the fq's, / going to sound mushy/flat,, well what cayin did, is add a  <<true pure  dual mono trans circuit>> NOW with a  pair of trans, the fq's has that boost to drive the fq's through the circuit.,\
I've seen on YT a  tech guy showing his work of having swaped out the caps in a CJ 10 line stage/preamp,, and had to turn vol control up <<significantly>> = leads to distortion,, The more you crank the vol control up, more mushy fq's/distortion you will pass through the circuit.

IMHO The cayin LS6 mark2, is the finest preamp under $2K.

No I have not heard PL's new line of Linestage amps,, which stat at $2K,, I did have their older Prologue model and   found the sound stage to be <,weird>. Like spagettiED.
Cayin and PL made at Spark's labs,,  designs are close, but NOT the same / one will sound different from the other lab.
As I say, I've not heard the new PL Linestage amps,, but my hunch is , if you are on a  budget, the $1500 Cayin is the best Linesage  made today. 
Cayin will blow away Conrad Johnson's linestage/preamps. 
Of course CJ's is 3X's ,, mabe 4X 's the price of the LS6 mark2. 
I'd bet the Cayin LS6 gives Jadis' $$$$$$$$$ Linestagea  run for their money. 
With the cayin, at 1500, vs the Jadis LS,, you've got tons of leftover cash to take out the Cayin caps  and employ Mundorf  high value caps and also switch out Cayin'sTakman  carbon Film resistors to  Takman Metal Films.. and see which you prefer,,, I myself much prefer the metal,, the carbon are too <<smooth>>  = lacks dynamics.