MMG's are better than the other 2 and not by a little bit.
THE problem is that they are thought of "starter " speakers when they are really more "end" speakers in that they need the best of amps, pre's , and wire to do what they can , not to mention a lot of audio savy with room placement, none of which the average buyer of these has.
I've heard 50K systems which sound worse then my MMG system..
sound anchor stands(tilt to taste)
Byryston BP-6 or Modded PAS 3
Van Alstine synergy 550
Cambridge 740 CD
Analysis Plus Oval 12 SC (CRUCIAL, this THE SC for MMG)
Audio Zen Tsunami Power cords all around.
THE problem is that they are thought of "starter " speakers when they are really more "end" speakers in that they need the best of amps, pre's , and wire to do what they can , not to mention a lot of audio savy with room placement, none of which the average buyer of these has.
I've heard 50K systems which sound worse then my MMG system..
sound anchor stands(tilt to taste)
Byryston BP-6 or Modded PAS 3
Van Alstine synergy 550
Cambridge 740 CD
Analysis Plus Oval 12 SC (CRUCIAL, this THE SC for MMG)
Audio Zen Tsunami Power cords all around.