Passing of an Audiogon Member

Posting this on behalf of another member and for those forum members who knew Ezra.

Yesterday, I received the sad news of the passing of Ezra (@audioezra) suddenly, post surgery. He is survived by his wife, Vernecia, and members of his family and his Pastoral flock.

Ezra graciously and with open arms invited me to his home, despite not knowing me personally, to audition speakers I was interested in. That visit remains strong in my memories and senses and was a wonderful experience.

I encourage members in the greater Chicagoland area, who knew him well, to add more.

Dormit In Pace, Ezra.
I felt quite shaken about hearing of Ezra’s death. Ezra was so full of life that it is hard to reconcile that he is no longer with us. He was quite a character who seemed to always need new Toys every few months. After being told that this was the finest equipment we ever heard we would establish an Over and Under line about how long the gear would stay in his system. I am quite sure there a few audio salons that are flying their flags at half mast upon his passing! Like Teajay, I saw more audio gear at Ezra’s place than anywhere else. He had mostly top of the line gear including many exotics. He also liked fine cars and even talked about this at his first wife’s funeral! Anyway, Ezra welcomed almost any audiophile near and far into his home. He welcomed everyone with a graciousness that is uncommon in todays world. He will be truly missed. Shalom Audioezra!
nice to read these touching tributes to the man and fellow audiophile Ezra was. thank you. never had the pleasure of any contact. i can certainly relate to Ezra on a number of levels, so it feels like i know him.

R.I.P. Ezra.
Ezra, rest in peace.  Our thoughts are of course with his surviving wife, immediate family and music-loving family.  Ezra was a truly outstanding customer of Revelation Audio Labs - first serving his upgrade needs in 2007 with umbilical power cables for his Supratek units following up with an umbilical for his Metronome Kalista, all the way through 2015 when he commissioned an upgrade umbilical for his Melos gear.  In those 9 years, Ezra was always gracious, one of the very nicest and most kind gentleman I have dealt with in my entire life.  We owe people like him a tribute. The world needs more Ezras, not less of them.  I will miss Ezra.
I have known Ezra (never met him)but
had numerous telephone conversation with
him for over 30 years.
great human being 
will certainly miss him.
RIP Brother 
Sounds like a great guy. Thanks for sharing his story and passion. Like Jimi said, “see you in the next world, and don’t be late...”