Turntable placement and isolation

I have a Clearaudio Concept turntable which was so far placed on a rack behind the two front floor standing speakers. I am currently changing the layout of my 2 channel system, removed the audio rack from that imaging-sensitive location and placed all electronics on the carpeted floor between/behind the speakers. Each component, except the turntable, is currently placed on a maple plywood (1 inch thick) which sits on the thick carpet. The floor is a wooden suspended floor. I am also trying out HRS platforms for isolating the electronics. I need some help/advise on the turntable placement on the floor. What are your thoughts on putting a turntable on a platform on the carpeted floor? Is this going to seriously degrade the sound? What could be used to isolate the turntable from the carpeted ground such that there are no footfall issues? I would really appreciate your feedback.
FWIW, before you try anything elaborate (and expensive) you might try just placing a solid piece of wood on the carper (not on points) so the effect of the carper and its pad is spread over a wide surface and put your turntable on this and see what happens. I doubt that foot falls would be an issue - foot falls more often occur with suspended turntables which can just bounce like crazy. Personally I'd be more concerned with the effect of sound waves - bass notoriously live in corners and at wall boarders and this is where your turntable would be (I think).

The floor is the best place by far. Its very difficult to make a rack that is as good as the floor. I know. Mine was on the floor for years. When I finally developed a turntable rack better than the floor this is what it looks like https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367 Its a massive 750 lbs of solid cast concrete shelves, legs, and granite, with sand beds for the phono stage and turntable.

Mass is sort of the basis of a really good turntable rack. There's lots of different ways it can be done. You could more easily build a sand box and put that on top of any reasonably sturdy rack. 

However you do it, this is only the foundational first step. Next is springs. Because its all about vibration control. A lot of mass solves only a part of the problem because high mass physically cannot move a lot. It takes too much energy. It does however vibrate all by itself. Everything does. So what the mass does is eliminate large amplitude vibrations. Then springs are used to further reduce small amplitude vibrations. 

I've used the mass approach for decades and it works great. Recently I've started working with springs and they are great on the floor. So I have some ordered, hopefully they will be tuned to work well with the turntable, and will be able to let you know for sure. But for now, go with what we know for sure will work.
@newbee- Thanks for your feedback. I have a 2 inch thick maple butcher block which I would use to test the carpet scenario and report back. None of my components are going to be near the corners because of the exact reason that you mentioned. They are somewhat going to be close to the front wall. Components will start 18 inches away from the front wall at the center and they will be placed in two or max three rows ending near the speakers. The turntable position if on the floor would be on the third row after all components, starting from the front wall. So it will be centered between the two speakers and positioned slightly ahead of them. Thanks.
@millercarbon- Thanks for your feedback. Your system looks nothing short of spectacular and it is very advanced. I guess I am just a beginner...
I am a believer when it comes to isolation and seismic vibration control. I spent some time with springs and roller blocks to build my DIY platform for all of my components but couldn’t complete the project. The mass-spring low pass filter concept does work but the key challenge is to figure out the optimal combination of load and the natural frequency of the springs which will bring the resonance of the component and platform together to 3-4 cycles. The other challenge was to find a surface which will not ring. Many suggests marble, granite, etc for adding the mass but in my experience these natural stones without any damping always tend to ring. Then you get to handle the damping of these surfaces as well. It is at that point I kind of decided not to spend any more time on this research and may be look for a commercial product which is always going to be very expensive. 
So please keep in the loop with your spring isolation work.
On a separate note, did you notice any imaging degradation when you introduced the taller rack behind the speakers?