What amp to match with Spatial Audio M3 Sapphire open back speakers

Fellow audiogoners,
If all goes well, I will shortly be the proud owner of a lightly used pair of Spatial Audio M3 Sapphire open back speakers.
The trouble is that in making this acquisition, I will have expanded most of my intended "hobbies" budget,yet still need to purchase an amplifier that will make the speakers sing.
The rest of my modest setup consists of: Bluesound Node 2i streamer, SMSL SU-8 V2 DAC, ProJect Debut Carbon Esprit TT.
The listening room is our living/dining room (400 sqft), and our music ranges from classical to world, with a good dose of classic rock and jazz of all types. We also like to turn things up from time to time...to dance!
Sound characteristics I appreciate the most are: musicality, definition but not too clinical, wide and open sound stage, tight impactful bass, and most realistic vocals. 

I am thus calling on all Spatial Audio M3 owners and others to request your advice/guidance in helping me select an integrated amplifier at a budget of around $2500.
Thanks very much for your input and experiences, have a nice weekend and please stay safe!jlr261
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Thanks for your feedback bassdude and jackd,
As I wrote earlier, the LTA is out of my reach for the moment, but I'm keeping it on my list for an eventual future upgrade, especially if they offer a decent in-home trial period.
Also taking note of the Kinki EX-M1, it is in my current price range and deserves further examination. Hope they offer in-home trial. jackd, what do you use now with your M3TM's? or have you parted with them? If so, please tell me why and did you keep the amp?Thanks again to the both of you!

Hi rickallen81,Thanks for the offer but I'm afraid my budget will nevertheless still be some ways under what you'd expect for the Z10.
As I wrote somewhere at the beginning of this post, I'm limited to a $2.5k amp budget for the moment...
But hey, maybe if we give it a little time, we could perhaps work something out? 

Thanks very much and do take care! pm me if you wish to discuss this further. I gotta go now, but will tune back in in a few hours...

Still have the M3TM's and they get rotated in and out of one system with a pair of Nola KO's.  Still have the original EX-M1 and it is in a second home paired with a pair of Fritz Carrera Be's.  It was replaced in the system the M3's reside in with a new 2020 EX-M1+.  Both the M1+ and the model I linked you to have better binding posts and a new volume control module with a more user friendly gain structure which would be a lot better with the efficient Spatial's than the older model. 
Hello everyone,
First of all, thanks again for all the responses I've received thus far, they are most helpful.
I'm writing again tonight in order to point out an important characteristic that I completely forgot to mention in my description of the integrated amplifier I am seeking to drive Spatial Audio M3 Sapphires that I'm hoping to acquire soon.
Indeed, I forgot to mention that my music collection, mostly digital in form, with a number of CDs and a couple hundred older vinyls, is not of the greatest quality.

So I need to stay away from amps that are picky and will highlight lesser recordings to the point of making them very hard to listen to. In short, I need a high quality yet forgiving amplifier.
Thanks very much and have a great week! Stay safe.

So I need to stay away from amps that are picky and will highlight lesser recordings to the point of making them very hard to listen to. In short, I need a high quality yet forgiving amplifier.
IOW an amp that does not editorialize when presented with a less than stellar recording! What you need is an amp that does not make much in the way of higher ordered harmonic distortion and keeps lower orders down as well. The only way I know to do this is to go with a tube amp that is fully differential and balanced from input to output and no feedback. In that way lower orders (2nd and 4th) are cancelled (leaving the 3rd, which is treated by the ear the same as the 2nd, which is to say its nearly inaudible) and the higher orders will be masked by what lower orders remain. To this end a triod amp would be a good place to start, but you need one with some power- 30-60 watts.

If you're on a budget, the suggestion of the Dyna ST-70 was a good one.