Perhaps a Stupid Question

I have a Pioneer PL-530 turntable. Am the original owner (bought in the 70's). After a few different cartridges over the years I am now using a Grado Gold (MM). The table still operates very well and would like to keep it and optimize it's performance if possible. Here's my question.....

The cable (IC) of the Pioneer is hardwired into the table. Would upgrading the cable offer any benefit to the performance? I understand that turntable cables are matched to a certain machine as far as resistance and other things. Cleaning of the RCA plugs and ground is the first thing to consider. However, as much has been discussed in these forums about cables it's hard to believe whether they are a significant improvement in this scenario or not. Maybe the Pioneer is offering as much performance as it can? Remember, this cable is hardwired into the board. Some may have had similar experiences.
Please forgive me for being blunt....I know there are much superior tables and cartridges out there. I already know that. Just seeking advice from someone who may have gone down this road.Thanks.
I still have one of those, mine's a 75 Technics but same thing, hardwired and absolute crap. Between the IC and power cord its tough to say which is worse. These are not at all matched to the table. They are nothing more than a cheap wire with the absolute minimum conductivity to get recognizable music out of there. 

They are in no way matched to the table. The table itself has nothing to do with it. The cartridge/cable interaction is what drives sound quality, and they never made any of them for any specific cartridge so you can forget about that. Any decent aftermarket wires will be a big improvement well worth the effort.  

What I would do is first of all open the table and have a look to be sure this is something you can do. While you're at it you should at least look at the power cord. I've actually done this stuff by the way. Replaced the hard-wired power cord on a motor. Definitely will hear improvement, even with a very budge priced wire.  

While in there be sure to check the bearing. I sure hope after all these years you have at least lubed it a couple times. If it can be opened, cleaned and lubed then do that. At the very least put a few drops of oil on it.  

Then shop around for as good a used interconnect and power cord as you can find. Do your best to ignore the well-meaning types who will tell you to DIY your own. They think they can do better than professionals. They are so misguided they don't even know. Besides when they are years old there are some really, really good wires that are dirt cheap. If all you spend is $75 or $100 each you will be shocked at the improvement.  

Then just remove the appropriate end, unsolder the wire and solder in place. Pay attention to details like how the IC connections are made. If you get noise when done it will almost certainly be due to missing something here. Good solder joints with no exposed wire and you should be fine.  

This is a totally worthy project. My first table was the Technics SL1700 and that one wasn't ever really modded. But my next one Basis 2005 the motor power cord was modded just like this, a literally $75 power cord was a big improvement over the rubber power cord Basis put on this $2500 table. So imagine the difference on yours from the flimsy Pioneer cord. Not to mention the patch cord. Yikes! I can see it now! Shudder! 

Go for it! Any questions feel free to DM millercarbon any time.
Most turntable manufactures were aware of excessive capacitance in tonearm cables causing issues so they used low capacitance cabling for the tonearm. Today there is better and it can be purchased fairly cheaply. Look inside and see if you are up to replacing them yourself.
If so the easiest route to getting a quality cable replacement is to contact the BlueJeans cable company and have them make a set of cables with RCA connectors on one end and have them strip the other end so they can be soldered on. They can sell you very high quality cable for little money. All of the cable specs are on there website, no voodoo magic, just sound engineering.
As far as the power cable unless it's damaged I would leave it alone. It only draws 7 watts of power. Or about 60 milliamps. Some fancy powercord may look neat but it will make absolutely no difference unless you imagine it to.

When you have done what Miller says, look into some not-too-crazy priced well designed footers for your 'table, and you will be rewarded with better performance. 

Try to sift through threads here (imaginative search at the top of this page) and maybe you can find answers where and how to do it, if you are not too good with manual work required. I remember coming across posts with people mentioning who did their work in similar situation.

I believe, not having any proof for it, that the benefit may be in improving contacts after so many years. As far as the actual wire goes, unless it is physically damaged, if it ain't broke, why fix it? It took you this far and some damage may be done while hoping it will make it even better.