Concrete Audio Speakers...Speaker Enclosures made out of Concrete ?..

Could concrete speaker enclosures give us the most realistic sound ?  

 Not connected with this company in any way
I was an electrostat listener for over 20 years, from Acoustat Xs, 2+2s, Martin Logan Monolith IIIs (and reQuest for 2nd system).  Then I met my wife 23 years ago and she found them unlistenable.  She said they lack dynamics, bass and more than one listener ability.  She was right.  I went to big dynamic box speakers which had all of those factors.  The best speakers I've ever heard or wanted are large dynamic box speakers (except for maybe the big SoundLabs).  I should have kept the 2+2s for my second system.  Can I suppose that your listening to electrostats is for yourself primarily and not for a group of people?   Sanders stats are particularly one person speakers, like giant headphones.   
There are at least 3 companies that have used granite for speaker enclosures that I can think of, so there are probably more.
roxy543,400 posts08-29-2020 5:53amoldhvymec,
There are at least 3 companies that have used granite for speaker enclosures that I can think of, so there are probably more.

I know, that's what they say, and it may be true. But roxy54 check it out
Granite rings like a bell, ATH @ Corian is what every expensive countertop, speaker baffle and TT plinth are made of. You can even glue and repair the stuff. NOT granite. Granite is pretty cheap in comparison.

Really it's hard to work with, HEAVY, and just a horrible sonic signature.
