chinese tubes have historically had a reputation for cheap manufacture and poor qc - back 10-15 years ago they were truly grim
russian makes have had their problems too
in both cases, quality has improved a lot...
the chinese in general are state of the art in making things cheap, run on the hairy edge, and have failures... they have value engineered the world's supply of most everything, but such is way of capitalism and commoditzation
russian makes still have some soviet military mindset, make things more to last, thicker glass, more solid metal structures inside
this being said, the chinese and russians now also very much understand there is a good size market for quality - so in tube making, they have responded with higher qc, higher quality materials, made premium products as a result and of course they charge accordingly... that is good for us pursuing this hobby/activity
still, i buy from known sources who do secondary testing, i do not trust factory testing in and of itself yet - i won't buy from cheapest ebay sellers without a long reputation
as mentioned, when a power tube fails there is often secondary damage to associated equipment... so it is not just about the seller of the tube taking the tube back - they won't fixed your damaged amp...