Newproduction power tubes: Reliablity

There  isa topic going on  concerning power tube issues in his PL amp, 
Some of us have power amps with 4-12 power tubes,,  the higher number of the tubes in a amp means the more demand for  reliability.
The 2 countries making  the most power tubes are china and russsia, So basically we can say this is a Russia vs China shootout.

China has come out with incredible numbers of power tubes, varieties and styles. These are the SET tubes. Russia has a  far superior selection in the push pull category.
IMHO , as i do have a  push pull amp, I favor the russian labs as far as reliability. 
Here is where it counts, As we know, its no fun having a   multiple power tube amp, and hearing 1 or more tubes going bad. 
A  good tech is not cheap, nor so easy to locate.
So in terms of reliability/push pull, I have to side with the russian labs.
The one exception on russian power tube relaibility, is the russian KT150,, its a new tube and we have not yet had long term performance testing. It is  not a tube I am the least bit interested in. 

@mozartfan,   China does indeed make cars.

hard to fathom/believe, If you say so..
A chinese car...something on the level of a  Yugo,Fiat,  Chevy Chevette, Ford's 1980's crap, 
There is a  sort of relation, the more things a  country makes, the less quality in each product. 
Russia does not compete with china on consumer market goods, but the few things russia makes, are built  with reliability, A chinese 88 = is less reliable vs a  russsian 88.
This is my point of this topic.
Who of us can afford a  less than high quality 88 power tube?
I can't.

This is why i say, if you need SET tubes look to china, if you need  push pull, look to russia, This is the purpose of this topic. .

@ mozartfan, My new buick encore, is made in (China). This has been the world plan, 50+ years now. HELLO! :-)


" mentioned, when a power tube fails there is often secondary damage to associated equipment... "

This is maybe the most precious info that many of us who have been curious, lurking, intrigued, maybe even considering, but having no experience with tubes could find on tubes.

Aside from that, just the other day I read about some Chinese car company that is planning to build a car manufacturing plant in the U.S.A. I forgot details.

EDIT: "Kandi says it is now actively looking to build an electric car factory in North America. And while it’s largely unknown to most Western consumers, Kandi is a big name in China. It’s a joint venture between Kandi Vehicles and one of China’s largest automakers, Geely Group, which in turn is the parent company of Sweden’s Volvo."

All Volvo S90 cars that you see in Europe are Made in China. I think that the same goes for those in the U.S.A.