Do Tonearms need servicing

I treated myself to a to. 2nd Hand  SME  309 Tonearm. They have become expensive and rare over the last few months. It is optically in very nice condition and sounds good to my ears. However My estimation it is between 7 and 10 years old. 
I am asking myself whether I should get it serviced. Appreciate your input / sharing your experience.
Great contributions!

Response of the producer: no need for service - only if problems.
Response of SME tonearm specialist: No need for maintenace - only repair when needed.
On a sidenote:

It seems that there is a common understanding in the SME community and among dealers that the SME Van den Hul tonearm cables are a weak spot and need upgrading.

I run a test yesterday of a VdH MC D501 Silver Hybrid agains a Furutech AG-12. Imfound the VdH more open, bery clear and detailed. The Furutech warmer, less dynamic, less revealing. 
That VdH I find is not so bad as its reputation.

Is it not possible to post pictures in this forum?

Dear @pindac : "" materials have become more function specific than generic..... ""

this and other of your posts in other Agon threads are only showing your low knowledge levels in the different audio subjects because till now you don’t show facts that can prove what you state just like in that statement: where are those tonearm function specific materials you are talking about? because one thing is talk and the other give proves about. Please name not several materials but at least two function specific materials for today tonearm designs and manufacture it. I ask it in good shape because I'm really interested with due that we designed and manufactured a totally different tonearm kind of pivoted design where I have 3 of them mounted in my analog rig: so is important to know something that can help to that unique tonearm design. Can you?, thank’s.

In your other post talked about ceramic material in the tonearm bearing and this you posted with out knowing than ceramic is way resonant no matter what and it was proved through the audio year in analog rig items.

With all respect obviously that I don’t need an answer coming from a gentleman with no solid and true knowledge levels that perhaps is higher that what he showed here and else where, till this happens I will having same attitude with
. Obviously too that other persons like cd love it and no problem with because at the end only through a good dialogue with true knowledge coming from any whre always helps to improve our each one ignorance levels.

@cd318 : " Who would have guessed the connection between audio and dentistry? ""

some one like you with low knowledge on tonearm bearing kind and what a cartridge needs down there where you don’t need, say, 2K rpm.

Btw, pindac dead silence only confirm your low knowledge levels, bla, bla, bla,....bla is not enough for any one but the ones with similar knowledge levels than you.


I agree my knowledge levels are not great and I lack the savvy to produce or speak in equations.
It is going to be a struggle to translate my post into a DATA that has measurements to be analysed.
My knowledge is gained through regular communication with individuals who have Walked the Walk, not such as I who listens and Talks the Talk .
Much of my information that is shared on this topic is a extension of a explanation that was supplied to myself as my options at the time I was investigating my Upgrade Options on a owned SME IV.

With the knowledge that was made available, I was aware of how limited I was with the SME IV,  at the same time as this a unique Tonearm Design that had been produced to overcome the limits I was becoming familiar with had made a impacting impression on me.
As a result I abandoned the SME IV and had a
Bespoke Custom Tonearm produced as its replacement.

I do not Build or Measure Tonearms, I entrust that to the Designers of the Produced Models.
I do know when a Tonearm is a real pleasure to use, and leaves a impression so strong that ownership of the design becomes the next obvious step.

When I received an explanation that the Tonearm that is making such a positive impression on myself, is producing the SQ as a result of a Design where the Lowest Friction is being achieved as a result of the Stability of the Materials being used and the Tolerances achievable for those materials, whether it be from a Part from a Manufacturer or a Purpose Machined Part.
I am happy to accept these explanations, as are quite a few other Tonearm Owners who are replacing their Tonearms and buying this Bespoke Tonearm Design.

I have been informed of all  the Critical Parts in use and the Tolerances being achieved to be used on the Bespoke Build, but have not kept a list, and do not intend on attempting to do so. 
This type of information is what I will call a Intellectual Property, and is not mine to share.  

As already said of my having low levels of knowledge,I say that unashamedly,
but I do have a history of travelling, meeting and sharing in some very enjoyable experiences, especially where the HiFi Devices being auditioned have excelled in my perception.
During these endeavours I have met some extremely talented individuals who are respected and have a following for their Skills to the point others will travel to audition their latest works or even be placed on a waiting list for their chance to own a Design.


’Much of my information that is shared on this topic is a extension of a explanation that was supplied to myself as my options at the time I was investigating my Upgrade Options on a owned SME IV.’

That’s how most of us without first hand experience also learn: shared knowledge and experience.


’Is it not possible to post pictures in this forum?’

Other than upload them to your system page, none that I’m aware of.

Would be a useful feature, but I’m guessing it’s disabled to prevent excessive marketing here.