So, what other amps sound like the First Watt SIT-3?

I'd like to see your recommendations.
the first watt sit-3 !!   :)

if its good to your ear then just buy it... right?
Nothing else sounds like a sit, except a tube, or a V-Fet.

V-Fets are not pure, either, they tend to have FET and BJT transistors involved in their utilization. so, tubes and SIT devices are closest to one another, in that certain beauty they bring to the music.

And that’s it.

Oh yes, these guys, out of japan. the singular ’other’. A SIT amplifier system based completely on SIT devices (It has to be ’complete’ in the pathway of the signal... as other transistor type involved)

There isn’t any thing else, no matter what any other following posts may try to argue.

eg, I’ve got a $13k set of tube monoblocks sitting in the boxes, with about 100 hours on them. Maybe 200 hours. I want those SIT monoblocks!! It’s the only amplifier on the planet, that moves me forward. There isn’t anything else. From $50, to $'s all dead to me. Meaningless.

Just those amps. That's it.
I have and love my SIT-3 amps. Just wonderful. My speakers are Avantgarde Duo XD and love the warm/sweet/3D laid back sound.

I was just wondering if anything else comes close.

Thank you so much!