@btbluesky @supermerio
Here is a previous post that addresses your questions, from this thread >
Here is a previous post that addresses your questions, from this thread >
01-17-2019 9:19am@denon1 The T+A PA 3100 HV has better control, has better resolving power (more insightful and nuanced), is more transparent, is more impactful and dynamic, is more natural in it’s warmth (surprising outcome here), has the edge in timing, presents voice (male and female) with greater realism, etc. etc.
A negative for me, was that in direct comparison, the Pass gear sounded grainy [in direct comparison only] and didn’t offer the level of insight, richness of texture and harmonics and musical density that the T+A does [in my system, per my preferences].
I clearly and easily preferred the T+A over the Pass duo and found it to be superior.
However, once I added the SR PowerCell 12 SE with the Galileo HC PC to my system, the Pass combo sounded fantastic. Had I added the SR power conditioner first, I would have been less driven to look for alternatives to the Pass combo. BUT the T+A also moved forward with the PowerCell 12 SE in system. Closer now, but I still prefer the T+A and continue to find it to be ahead of the Pass combo.
Reiterating: This is based on my system and my preferences and goals.
Please Note: I can see why another member would be very satisfied and happy with the Pass gear.
And I still own my Pass combo.