to my friends of AudiogoN,

Because of an vindictive/evil provider at the local VA, I will be forced into a living situation that is punitive.  Not your problem and I do want you all to do well.  I simply may not have the access to be as active as I have been.  My best to all of you.  A world class M.D. once said that medical people at the VA are basically postal workers.....not to be down on postal workers, but if I want a package to get somewhere quick and safe.....FedEx or UPS. 

Sorry to hear of your situation.  As others have stated above, contact the offices of your state’s two Senators, your Representative in DC, the ombudsman service at the VA, the President.  Send emails to people within the RNC; use this election year to your advantage.
I was a VA primary care physician.  Started at a big, new and beautiful OPC in The Villages, FL.  It was gratifying to work with our country’s veterans.  Unfortunately, two big problems quickly became evident.  I could provide top notch primary care, but far too often I’d hit a brick wall when I tried to get my patients the clinically indicated speciality medical care.  Dermatology, Cardiology, Pulmonology, Psychiatry, Audiology, Optometry and others I could get as long as I proved that the medical attention was warranted, which any competent doc could do.  But Orthopedic Surgery and Pain Management, among others, were not to be had (this was before opioid abuse became epidemic).  I experienced Catch-22 each and every time I pursued these paths.  The second problem was the “deadwood” primary care docs who were doctors by title only.  It was a crapshoot for the Vets; you could end up with a compassionate physician or one who was there for the benefits.  Unlike the civilian world, there was no standard of care to be met.  And our Vets can’t (at least then) do anything about it.  Your buddy could be receiving excellent care while you, being seen in the office right next door, wouldn’t get crap (actually, you would get crapcare).  I couldn’t stomach it.  10 months later I was back practicing civilian medicine; I haven’t looked back.
Please excuse my departure from audiophilia; reading of this situation really hit a nerve.
Vinylandtubes - As I said earlier this is disturbing... Until now my experiences have been good but at the same time I have heard the stories even before I was in the system of bad experiences. Reading what you said it all makes more sense.

To much of the VA is politically motivated, and the Vets suffer. Someone new comes in and they want to make a change for their own personal reasons. Or we have what you have described.

Whatjd - I said it earlier but I suggest again that you explore your options and contact your State and other elected officials, I know Vets who have done this and got their issue resolved.

Whatjd - Thank you for your service.  Many good suggestions above, I'm hoping someone will listen.

I've had exactly one experience with the VA back in the 70's, was a freakin' nightmare. I'll never go back.  

All the best to you.

Regards, barts
I don't know.  Everybody believes that the VA level of healthcare is substandard, yet so many are clamoring for more government-controlled healthcare. Best of luck to you. 
@whatjd - Sorry to hear of your upcoming battles with the VA; remember that you are your best advocate so fight for your rights like your life depended on it.

@redwoodaudio - " Veterans have some of the best free healthcare you can get." I do not wish to be disagreeable, but I believe that your statement might be inaccurate. Each Veteran signed on a dotted line, giving away their personal wishes and wants to serve something higher than themself; they agreed to serve our Nation and to defend our rights and freedom as Americans. In the event the Veteran is injured during their service, their healthcare is the bare minimum that the Nation can offer the Veteran, but know that healthcare is not given in advance of the Veteran’s service, but as a result of it. That does not sound "free" to me. Our healthcare is already paid for with our own blood, sweat, and tears.

@vinylandtubes - Thank you for your gifts and willingness to help; your explanation of the systemic issues is the same as my personal experience during the past 20 years.

Peace. Mark L.