Turned Off My Subwoofer ... And My Speakers Sound Great

I’ve had a pair of JA Pulsars (non-Graphene) for a couple of years now, and have been using them with a subwoofer. Today, I noticed that my Pulsars sounded very different. There was an expansion of soundstaging, the bass was more articulate and robust (i.e., it had more weight to it), and the highs really sparkled.

This was somewhat different from the sound to which I had become accustomed, so I looked on the panel and discovered that the sub had been turned off. Apparently, my wife had been dusting around my listening room and had accidentally hit the off switch.

I am kind of befuddled by this because I thought use of the subwoofer was supposed to achieve those sonically pleasing effects. Apparently not in my case. Have any ’Goners had this happen? I’m really happy with the "new" sound sans subwoofer, but continue to wonder why that is. I mean by all objective measures, the sub should improve the sound, not detract from it. I just don’t get it.
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In that size room with room gain you might be shocked at how low a competently designed 8” 2 way will go....
For example Vandersteen 1CI rated 38-22.5 k plus or minus 3
have fun, enjoy the music
uberwaltz12,826 posts09-03-2020 4:27pmMiller
Serious question.
Do you think a room the OP,s size of just 10x9x8 could handle a DBA or even two subs?



Yup 4, 4" subs in 6" cubes, sealed box, It would be a Flea Sub..

What ya think?

Maybe we’re on to something, Now Flea towers, with the Flea subs in Mini Houses... Gears are grinding $$$$$$$$$. A Mini Super system. In a mini neighborhood, next to a (don't laugh) a Mini-Mart
