How much space between cables is enough?

I understand that proximity between power cables and interconnects or power cables and power cables is a problem, but is there a rule of thumb as to how much space is required to NOT be a problem. 1/2", 1", 6"? Also, are all cables the same? I would assume that the higher the current, the more isolation, but belief and reality are seldom the same.
What if the ceiling is also the first or second story floor?
What stops the vibrations being created by way of walking around or mechanical vibrations from translating itself down the fishing line thereby vibrating your cables?
Eye hooks --> rubber band --> monofilament --> cable.
Should have been more explicit.
Always run the positive wire on your speaker cables on the right side of you room, and the negative side on the left of the room.  Then, run the power cord from your front porch outlet, around your garage and coil it 7 times around your water heater tank.
Proximity of "Power cables and power cables is a problem". Huh? That makes no sense as they are energized identically and who cares after the 120v reaches the power supplies and becomes DC. I would keep signal cables away from power cables in any situation; audio, video, computers, anywhere.
@millercarbon telling us how great his system is again. He is a broken record. Oh! and look at the photos. He's so proud, he wants everybody to know how cool he is.

Well let's see now.... its been two full days since I mentioned the rubber band tweak, and how well it works, with even a photo showing how-to. All it takes is a few rubber bands. Can't take more than 5 minutes beginning to end. 

So tell us tuberollin, how did it go? When you tried it? Oh, what's that? You didn't? So you really have no idea what you're talking about then, do you? Because that is but one of a very, very long list of improvements, the vast majority of which most around here are just like you, blather blather blather but never bother. Never bother to try.

So I am not only fine and happy but proud of what I have accomplished. And yes it does sound fantastic. Can't say it often enough, because its true- and because I keep making it better and better.

People really should study it. There's a lot there to learn. For those who want to walk the walk. For you, something tells me its talk the talk.

(Oh now this is delicious. When I first type tuberollin the sites spell-check tries to change it to tuberculin. Heh. Good one.)