Looking for tonearm inspiration

I just bought a used SME 20/12 turntable that is about 15 years old.  I also had a used 

Dynavector DRT XV-1s rebuilt/are tipped.  Odd as it may seem, there was no tonearm with the turntable.  I have yet to identify what the phono stage, but listening so far suggest a Sutherland Loco (still open to alternatives).  There must be many out there that have had experience with the SME 20/12 turntable and perhaps a few that have had experience with the SME/Dynavector combination.  Can you suggest a tonearm that had some magic for you with either bit of gear?  Wide range of music: Rock, Jazz, Female Vocal and a bit of Opera from time to time.

@atmasphere if not headroom explain how those 25 watts can handle the Scintilla. Forgeret don’t explain nothing.

SS amplifiers with over 250 watts can´t do it ( not even with 400 watts at 8 0hms. ) and in the other side I never listen " your SS " clipping tale any time in that Classé or in my 20.6 or any decent contemporary SS amplifiers even at measured 105 SPLs.

The Classé Audio headroom was measured by JA and you can ask about D.Reich, not me. The 20.6s has no headroom as are fully regulated input to output and puts 800 watts at 1 omh and yes 1.6K watts at 0.5 ohms.

I told you other times that perhaps you belongs to the darkest side of the corrupted AHEE defending what has no defense at all supporting archaic technology used by the very low levels customers have and taking advantage of that ignorance levels but you are in that darkest hole because I never see Lamm or Air Tigth or Audio Research manufacturers shoting as you in any internet audio forum.

You are makiong a huge damage to the true music lovers only because is your way of living.

Of course this is a free world.

Enjoy your bs and o something nice to the AHEE other that your same tales.

Btw, blow-up tubes experiences with amps: one was with Atmasphere monoblocks in Philadelphia even the owner call you and I was there because I was hosted in his home, in F.Crowder home in Houston with a unit 3 times higher price that any of your items, at A.Porter in Dallas with a unit one channel down, here in my country a Conrand Johnson running Wilson speakers. In all those ocassions the owner system are top ones even at least two of them over the 250K. Do you know when I living not several experiences but one experience as those ones with SS electronics? NEVER.

Yes, tubes is synonimous of bs.

I take no single idea from atmasphere items. Our Essential 360 as our tonearm are self designs from zero and with no single advise from any where and no copy of anything. You are totally wrong on this as in many other things.

No it's not advertasing: all the gentlemans with whom I talked in the times of the developed of the Essential 3160 all them refuse to buy it and all the lucky gentlemans that bougth it I never beeen in touch with them they asked by email and bougth it with no advertasing.

Brent, you just wait, it’s beautiful.

Anyone ever heard about PRO version of Fidelity-Research FR-64fx ?

As always the thread goes to another direction, let's get back to tonearms, maybe?! 

Yea, what is all this chatter about power amps about? Start your own thread. This went from interesting to dead boring.
Hi chilli42

I had that exact same table and cartridge and it was awesome. I used it with two different tone arms, both were great. The first arm I had on it was a Naim Aro unipivot. Because the Dynavector cartridge was so heavy I had to get the bigger heavier counter weight. Once the heavier counter weight was installed it worked like a charm. I remember the midrange with that arm was magic. I miss that setup. 

The other arm I had on that rig was a Graham Phantom B44 (the original Phantom). The DRT XV1S is just a great cartridge. I’m not sure how it will sound with the rebuild/retip. I bought mine new. The Graham arm has been refined many times since I bought that original arm. I’m sure the newer versions are even better than the one I had and that arm was just amazing. The Graham Phantom arm (any version) is an extremely versital arm and will probably work well with just about any cartridge. Hard to beat. Great setup when dialed in properly. Hope that helps you. Enjoy. 
