Are all Audiophiles masocists?

My wife says my main hobby is collecting hobbies. She has a corollary to that realization which is, that I also tend to pick hobbies that I will never be happy with no matter how much I spend or how good I get at them. As an Audiophile she states my system is never good enough. I'm always upgrading. I believe we call that "Chasing the Dragon" if I'm not mistaken. She also says the same about several other of my hobbies such as... Golf (unlikely I'll ever shoot an 18), Cycling (a 4.5 hour century ride isn't fast enough), Drag Racing (Car runs mid 8's at 160mph in the 1/4 mile. Upgrades continue!) and there are others. So you get my drift.Is this just me or does the personality of the audiophile make us all just a bit masochistic?
@andrewkelly -
Wait..... what?

Anything under 10's is quick, under 9 and mid 8 is astonishingly so.
I was playing, I would be very surprised if the modifications on a mid 8 second car would keep it road registered.

@bullitt5094 - I used to go the dragway, I have a reasonable idea of what you're car did, and seeing as you're an audiophile, I sure hope you had lots of hearing protection?? No doubt you did.

The top fuelers, now that was an almost out of body experience, nothing prepared me for that first warm up and pass - wow!

Maybe, just maybe, the term you were looking for is ouroboros or uroboros. It's an ancient symbol of a snake chasing its own tail. In a way it depicts the upgrade quest.