ls FM radio even listenable any more?

Sam here and fm radio for me has been unlistenable since maybe 1995 

l found an independent radio station out of toronto canada that plays 24/7 1st press commercial free vinyl and the sound is outstanding vinyl voyage radio  monday is 24 hours of 80's
Lou here, and in Philly, FM is alive and well, at least for me. The 2 college stations, Temple (WRTI 90.1) & UPenn (WXPN 88.5) are what I listen to most. 90.1 does classical all day & jazz at night. 88.5 does an eclectic mix of new music & deep cuts. On occasion, they will play music commercial free for a month or so at a time doing every almost every song in their library from A to Z. We also have very good sports radio stations too.
There is still great quality analog audio being broadcast.

I've had Yamaha, Mcintosh & Magnum Dynalab tuners.
I have an FT-101A & it sounds really good. I had been using a set of OK Audioquest IC's & when I switched to another brand reference quality cables, it sounded much better. When a good station playing a good quality song came on, it was shocking how good that tuner can sound.

My MD-102 arrived last night. It's got the upgraded audio section with big caps in it. It is a significant upgrade in sound quality. It's like putting on a MFSL LP.

I found myself listening to songs I have heard before, but it's a whole new listening experience. I listened to an entire Prince song since the sound quality was so good, and I can't usually make it through one of his songs...

I just heard a live song played on it & the sound quality is outstanding.
If you've given up on FM, you are missing out...
... There is still great quality analog audio being broadcast ...
I just heard a live song played on it & the sound quality is outstanding. If you’ve given up on FM, you are missing out...
I am still into FM. But the fact is that almost all FM is digital, even though the signal itself is still analog. Radio stations play from HD drives, signal processing is sometimes digital and STLs - which many stations use - are frequently digital.

But you mention a special thing: live broadcasts. Although these are often also run through digital processing, there can be some real sonic gems in live broadcasts.
Not all FM is played from disks or digital files. The station I mentioned spins records if the DJ's have them.
Yeah, this one station says they ‘are loading up some vinyl’ but they may not be playing any...