l want to build a solid wood turntable

Sam here and I haven't owned a turntable in 25 years, however if I build a turntable out of solid aged wood like a nice musical instrument with the tone arm connected to the center spool made of solid wood to get the vibrations and the stylus made from shungite would I get super vinyl sound more analog like? This will be my new project.
aewarren you are correct i will incorperate shungite in another way.The key is to age the wood for use in the platter and tone arm.The platter must be very thin maybe 1/4 to 1/8’’ thickness waterloged with the distilled shungite water and then dried under a sun lamp to make it very dry so it vibrates the natural wood tone. The center spool will also be a wood spindal.l’m also thinking neodynium magnets and quartz crystal can be encorperated in some way as when i place quartz crystal on the lamp plug it really improves the tone of audio.
l notice that elite shungite is more powerful than regular shungit and cost $5-10 dollers for a nice small shungite rock placed on my circuit breaker box removes 100% dirty emf from the wiring in the walls.the quartz crystal will be used for tone after the emf is removed.
roxy54 you are not taking into account my use of vintage frequencies to effect the tone.not shure what a  cantilever is i might just skip that part as long as the needle hits the groves i'm off to the races.
Sam here and i don't use drugs how do you think i'm so awake. lf i can turn vinyl into super vinyl with my collection of vintage frequencies all the better.l'm aware that the big audio manufacturers will try to keep my ideas quite however once the public hears the results there monopoly will be over.The future of sound is on my shoulders and i will not let my people down.
guitarsam, here is a trick that really brings out the magic in music since you mentioned using neodynium magnets. This works best with cartridges costing at lease a thousand dollars or more and you will need to rebalance your tonearm and possibly add more counter weight.
Take two large neodynium magnets and glue them to the body of your cartridge. This along with your shungite infused wood should put your turntable over the top.
Let me know how much you like it, I rarely ever share this secret but you seem to be really on something, errr, I mean onto something.
