Does long hair destroy the soundstage?

I have noticed that people with thick long hair covering the ears (often women) do not hear some of the finer aspects of the sound like soundstage, and therefore dont get as much enjoyment from high end systems.
I have checked this out myself once when we were going to a fancy dress party and I was dressed as a rock star with long wig. I have also asked a couple of women to put their hair behind their ears and tell me if it sounds different or better, but that was not as definitive.
Could this be a factor explaining why most people in here are men?
With much love for Gilda.

Emily : What's all this fuss about hare over ones ears,
Cheddar Cheese ?

It's not like people actually put hare in their ear, nose or eyes !
How could it have any impact outside?
What do you have against rabbit type critters anyways, Mike 60?
You probably have one on a keychain! Dyed green!
Be nice.
They are endangered feces.
Can we talk about all the fuss about violins on television instead?

Chevy Chase: That's "hair" Miss Litella.

Emily: Never mind.
Grown men named Billy will destroy a stage quicker than fair maiden fury freaks.