Arghh Too Many CDP Choices...Help

My audio nervosa has flared up again. I'm back in the market for a newer model used CD player. After exhaustive research, I've got a short list of top-rated units...but it's still way too long! So, to you brilliant, keen-eared A'Goners out there, how about providing some guidance, advice and opinion as which of these you think rule the digital domain:

- Wadia 860
- Meridian 808.24
- Meridian G07
- Cary 306/200
- Arcam FMJ36
- Musical Fidelity A3.2
- Musical Fidelity A5
- Jolidia JD100 w/Level 1 or 2 mods
- Shanling T200 with Level 1 mod
- Sony SCD- XA777ES or XA999ES


PS. My current rig is about 8 years old: Audio Research CDT-1 with a Timbre Technology TT-1 DAC.
Agree with Bigkidz! Keep your transport and try to audition Accustic Arts DAC1Mk3($6K) or Reimyo DAP-777($5.2K) dacs. They are IMHO far better than all players on your list( except maybe Meridian Signature 808-$13K!).
I owned the Sony XA-777es for around a year...good CD player but not outstanding. Now on well recorded SACD's it is outstanding...not sure how many of those there are though because I sold it a couple years ago.

I did just pick up an old DAC though...Counterpoint DA-10A ($3,700) in 1996 that I'm using with a cheap Pioneer 563A DVD player as transport....Blown away at around $500 investment for the DAC and every bit as good as the Sony was ...and I'm talking SACD's.

Grab an old top of the line DAC and be happy at a cheap price IMO...grab the Pioneer for around $100 while your at it.

A dream match:



The belt driven transport and tube DAC bring you closer to analog sound.