Benchmark DAC1

Is it possible to hook up an amplifier to this unit and use the headphone gain control as a volume control? I thought I read somewhere you could but just want to clarify. And If one was to purchase this DAC what would be a good transport? Does it even matter? And am I right to assume that for people who want a universal player but are on a limited budget ($1500) that DAC/transport is the best way to go? Thanks
I use a mid 90's vintage Conrad Johnson transport with my DAC-1 and works great. I also have an Polk XM Satellite receiver connected and toggle between the two sources. Have not tried utilizing the DAC-1 directly into my amp; but is an option described in the owners manual. As long as you do not have any analog sources you could run without a pre. Second the advice of contacting Benchmark Media....very easy to do business with.
I was able to notice a difference between my Parasound belt driven transport & my Phillips 963sa. The Parsound sounded much better, musical & smooth vs. bright & analytical with the 963. I am also using a DH Labs digital cable.

I use my Benchmark as a volume control/pre-amp. I have it connected to my BAT VK60 with excellent results.
This is a hard choice...does the DAC1 have a toggle switch to change the voltage from american to european? Seeing as my integrated amplifier has amplifier pre-outs I will try both scenerios, either way I will keep it and if it sounds better bypassing the pre-amp section on my integrated than I can sell my integrated and put the money towards and even better amplifier, should I go about it this way?
sorry for all the questions guys, but I have yet another one...

If I was using the balanced XLR outputs on the DAC1 to an amplifier am I able to make use of the other set of outputs for a subwoofer signal? Is this at all possible? Thanks again